Head of Pensions and Treasury

Expired on: Nov 20, 2024

Head of Pensions and Treasury

Location: Barnet Council

Reference: RQ1382938

Supply Care Solutions are a market-leading Medical, Social Care and Education recruitment consultancy, we offer a range of accredited services across the public sector, providing highly skilled, compliant professionals in all grades and specialties, including short, long term and permanent positions.

Type: Locum work

Hours: Full time (Monday to Friday) 36 hours

Salary: Up to £800 Umbrella Daily rate

Minimum Criteria:

1.Must have experience of doing a similar role for a large local authority

2.Experience of both Pensions and Treasury

3.CIPFA (or other CCAB) qualified    

The Head of Pensions & Treasury is lead officer for the in-house pensions team that manages the Barnet Local Government Pension Scheme and provides outstanding leadership and direction on all pension related issues to Barnet Council.    You will manage the team that has day-to-day accountability for implementation of pension policy and oversight of external service providers including investment managers, third party administrator, consultants and advisors.  You will provide guidance and support to Barnet’s Pension Fund Committee and Local Pension Board in carrying out their duties.     

You will be required to ensure that the Barnet Pension Scheme is efficiently administered, that members and participating employers receive a high quality service, that funds are invested in line with agreed strategy, funding policy is optimised,  statutory policies are kept up to date and the annual accounts are produced and audited on a timely basis.

You will lead the development and implementation of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy linked to the Council’s Medium Term Plan. The Head of Pensions and Treasury is expected to provide advice to the S151 officer and elected representatives to inform their Treasury management decision making and will be responsible for maintaining a robust controls framework for the function and delivery under the Treasury policies and practices detailed within the Strategy.

Does the candidate have experience of doing a similar role for a large local authority        

Does the candidate have experience of both Pensions and Treasury?          

Is the candidate CIPFA (or other CCAB) qualified?

How TO APPLY- Please send the following below:

Compliance documents required:

  • Updated CV  (NO GAPS)
  • Right to work in the UK(Passport,Visa, biometric card etc)
  • National Insurance Number
  • References

To find out if this could be your next job, and for more details please call 020 8506 1111 (option 1, ask for Michael)

Please see our referral incentive on our website. If you know anybody that’s looking for work, Locum or Permanent work, please feel free to refer anyone you know. Please see link below.

Supply Care Solutions offer an excellent referral bonus for any new workers you refer to us.  Please view our website for more details www.supplycaresolutions.co.uk

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Supply Care Solutions have a number of locum jobs across the UK. 


Supply Care Solutions have a number of locum jobs across the UK. * All locums must be contract compliant before commencing work through our agency. We are recruiting professionals across all specialisms and grade. We offer an excellent referral bonus for any new worker you refer to us *Terms and conditions apply. Supply Care Solutions works in conjunction with Monitor/TDA rate caps

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